Shop Pomona's Pectin


Please contact David Pearson, our agent in Australia at Green Living Australia, for pricing and quantity information as well as to place an order.

Phone: (07) 3808 2576

order from green living australia

Canada - Bulk

You can order in bulk — 228g or 454g bags — from FeelGood Natural Health Stores, based in Canada.

Order from Feelgood Natural

Other International Wholesale

You can order from FeelGood Natural Health Stores by calling their order desk (877-677-7797) or emailing with your store information. Tell them you want to order Pomona’s Universal Pectin at the wholesale discount. You will be given a discount code and be able to order from their website. FeelGood offers Pomona’s as single 28g boxes, as a case of 24 – 28g boxes, and in single 228g and 454g bulk bags.

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