Tomato Marmalade is a low-sugar cooked marmalade made with Pomona’s Universal Pectin. Pomona’s Pectin contains no sugar or preservatives and jells reliably with low amounts of any sweetener. This recipe was created by Allison Carroll Duffy for Pomona’s Universal Pectin. She says: “In-season, locally grown tomatoes work best, as tomato taste and quality are key in this recipe. As for the citrus, use organic if you can, as this recipe calls for the peels, in addition to the fruit and juice.”
Servings 5 cups
- 2¾ pounds tomatoes
- 1 small orange
- 4 small lemons divided
- 1 cup water
- 1½ cups sugar
- 2 teaspoons calcium water see step #1
- 2 teaspoons Pomona’s Pectin mixed with sweetener
- Before you begin, prepare calcium water.To do this, combine ½ teaspoon calcium powder (in the small packet in your box of Pomona’s pectin) with ½ cup water in a small, clear jar with a lid. Shake well.Extra calcium water should be stored in the refrigerator for future use.
- Wash and rinse jars, lids, and screw bands. Set screw bands aside until ready to use. Place jars in boiling water bath canner with a rack, fill at least 2/3 of the way full with water, and bring to a boil. Boil jars for 10 minutes to sterilize (add 1 additional minute of sterilizing time for every 1000 feet above sea level), then turn down heat and let jars stand in hot water until ready to use. Place lids in water in a small pan, bring to a low simmer, and hold there until ready to use.
- Remove skins from tomatoes. To do this, heat a pot of water to boiling, place tomatoes in boiling water–just a couple of tomatoes at time–for 30 to 60 seconds, or until the skin spits. Remove tomatoes from boiling water and immediately submerge them in a large bowl of ice water. The skins will slip right off. If the skin did not split during this blanching process (which occasionally happens), simply nick the skin with a paring knife and peel the skin off. Discard the skins.
- Slice tomatoes in half, then remove and discard the cores. Dice the tomatoes. Place the diced tomatoes in a colander or strainer, and place the colander or strainer in or over a large bowl. Set aside, and allow the tomatoes to drain into the bowl while you’re working on the next steps.
- Wash the orange and the lemons thoroughly. Using a vegetable peeler, remove the outer part of the peel from the orange, and from 2 of the lemons. Then, slice these peels into very thin, length-wise strips about 1 inch long, and place in a sauce pan.
- Remove and discard the remaining white pith from the peeled orange and the 2 peeled lemons. Pull the fruit apart into segments, and slice these segments into small pieces. Remove and discard any seeds, then add the cut up segments to the sauce pan.
- Slice the remaining 2 lemons in half and squeeze out their juice, discarding peels when done. Set aside 1/4 cup of this lemon juice. Add any remaining lemon juice to the sauce pan.
- Add the 1 cup of water to the citrus mixture in the sauce pan. Also add to the sauce pan the juice that has drained from the tomatoes. Cover mixture and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat slightly and cook, covered, for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the diced tomatoes, increasing heat as necessary to bring mixture back up to temperature, then continue to cook, still covered and stirring occasionally, for another 3 minutes.
- Remove the pan from the heat, empty the tomato-citrus mixture into a bowl or other heat-proof container, then measure out 4 cups of the mixture. (If you have any left over, you can use it for something else.) Pour the measured quantity of the mixture back into the sauce pan. Add the remaining 1/4 cup lemon juice and the calcium water, then stir to combine.
- In a separate bowl, combine the sugar and pectin powder. Mix well and set aside.
- Bring the tomato-citrus mixture to rolling boil over high heat. Add the sugar-pectin mixture, then stir vigorously for 1 to 2 minutes, still over the highest heat, to dissolve pectin. Return the marmalade to a boil, then remove from heat.
- Remove hot jars from canner and fill jars with marmalade, leaving ¼ inch of headspace. Remove trapped air bubbles, wipe rims with a damp cloth, and put on lids and screw bands, tightening bands only to “fingertip tight” (until resistance is met, and then just the tiniest bit more).
- Place jars in the hot water, on the rack inside the canner. (Make sure jars are upright, not touching each other or the sides of the canner, and are covered with at least 1-2 inches of water). Place the lid on the canner, return the canner to a rolling boil, and boil for 10 minutes. (Add 1 minute additional processing time for every 1000 feet above sea level.)
- Turn off heat and allow canner and jars to sit for 5 minutes. Then remove jars from canner.
- Allow jars to cool undisturbed for 12 to 24 hours. Then confirm that jars have sealed. Remove screw bands from sealed jars, rinse off outside of jars if necessary, label jars, and store for later use.
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