Jam Notes: Our Giveaway Is Over, But the Recipes Go On, and On, and On . . .

September 2014

Two winners were chosen from our August Giveaway: Bernadette S. of Houston, Texas, and Sarah C. of San Mateo, California. You can read more about them in: And the August Giveaway Winners Are . . .

CanningCraft Creates: Rose Hip-Apple Jelly

By Allison Carroll Duffy, Author of Preserving with Pomona's Pectin (Fair Winds Press, June 2013)

Allison picking beach rosesBeach roses are a common sight here in coastal Maine, and I've always had a fondness for them – they remind me of salty air, sand, and the ocean.

Rose hips can be used in all kinds of ways, but one of my favorite things to do with them is to make jelly. For something a little different this year, I thought I'd combine them with apples, as apples are in season here now as well, and I find that their sweetness offsets the tartness of the rose hips beautifully. . . .

CanningCraft Creates: Rose Hip-Apple Jelly: Complete blog post with recipe from Allison Carroll Duffy

Rose Hip-Apple Jelly: Recipe only

More Recipe Ideas

White Nectarine-Lavender Jam, recipe created by Pomona's Jam Maker Karen Killebrew

Pear-Cranberry Conserve with Almonds and Crystallized Ginger, excerpted from Preserving with Pomona's Pectin by Allison Carroll Duffy

What Is A Conserve?

Find out here . . .


phone ringingTales from the Jamline . . .

Rrrrring! goes the telephone. "HELP," says the caller -- "I see you have a page on the website My Jam or Jelly Didn't Jell -- Can I Fix it? but I'm having the opposite problem. My jam is too thick. What did I do wrong?" Read more . . .


The Jam (S)Pot
Puts the Spotlight on a Pomona’s Jam Maker

Sandy Breininger of Sandra Lee’s Country Goodness wears a multitude of hats. She is a Nurse/RN and she works in retail, in addition to being a Master Food Preserver who makes and sells homemade jams and other good things to eat in her home state of Wisconsin. Continue reading about Sandy’s business . . .

More about Sandy’s creative process and advice for starting your own jam-making business . . .

Pomona's News

Connie's son Galen's wedding is over; Galen and Caitlen are back in New York City after a honeymoon to Nova Scotia; and we are back to work. Thank you to everyone for your congratulations and good wishes, and for your patience while we celebrated.

Here is a picture of Galen and Caitlen, affectionately known as Gaitlen, right after the ceremony.Galen & Caitlin

If you enjoy wedding and family pictures, we've posted a few more on our website, including all of Connie and Mary Lou's siblings; Galen's father Brian Summer, the original mastermind behind Pomona's Pectin, and Galen's cousins on Connie and Mary Lou's side of the family. Take a look here.

See the complete, original Jam Notes.

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