Jam Notes: Autumn Challenges & Holiday Recipes

November 2014

CanningCraft Creates:  Pear-Vanilla Jam

By Allison Carroll Duffy, Author of Preserving with Pomona's Pectin (Fair Winds Press, June 2013)

picture of Allison Carroll DUffy
Allison Carroll Duffy

Autumn is always an emotionally powerful– and often emotionally contradictory – time of year for me. On one hand, it feels like a time of new beginnings – due largely, I think, to the school calendar being so ingrained. I still find myself, oddly, thinking of September as “the beginning of the year,” and these new beginnings are often exciting and joyful. . . .

. . . Admittedly, this is a bit of a digression from jam. But all of this is to say that, when it comes to jam making – and cooking in general, for that matter – all I really care about right now is making food that's nourishing, delicious, and simple. Somehow that's what seems to be most important. And frankly, it's all I can manage at the moment anyway. Fortunately, this delicious jam fits the bill perfectly. Enjoy!

CanningCraft Creates: Pear-Vanilla Jam:  Complete blog post with recipe from Allison Carroll Duffy

Pear-Vanilla JamRecipe only

English Toffee — A Vegetarian Chocoholic’s Dream

English Toffee ready to be eaten
English Toffee ready to be eaten

by Kathleen Allison Johnson

When I was in high school I always brought my own lunch, but as the child of two chocoholics, I'd buy a slice of English Toffee dessert whenever it was offered in the cafeteria. . . . Continue reading blog post.

English Toffee, Recipe only

Blissini Jelly, an easy jelly created and contributed by Mari Morgan, made from equal parts Prosecco, pomegranate juice, and orange juice.

And on a final holiday note, Connie, Paul, and Mary Lou wish you the happiest of holidays over the upcoming season. Our wish for you is lots of good family time and lots of good, low-sugar-jam-eating time. You'll hear from us again in February 2015.

Connie, Paul, Pomona, and Mary Lou
Connie, Paul, Pomona, and Mary Lou


See the complete, original Jam Notes.


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