WOW — Where Do I Start?

I have just finished processing my first batch with Pomona's Petcin and it looks lovely. It is especially nice that I can try small batches before jumping in with both feet.

I haven't tasted it yet and can't imagine how it can be sweet with HALF the sugar, but it is surely worth a try.

It seemed like a lot of fussing around when I first read the instructions, but as you know, it is NOT. Now I am excited to try some other jams and use up the calcium water. I have shared what little I know with others who are into 'jams'.

The flexbility that your product gives us is unknown with other pectins and I have a feeling this will be a long and happy relationship.

The Next Day:  We had the jam this morning with our breakfast in the back yard and it was even more amazing than I had hoped for!!! It was plenty sweet enough (even for old 'sweet tooth me'). I will actually cut the sugar down even more next time (I had used the maximum being so sure it wouldn't be enough!) and see how that is; I am guessing I won't even notice the difference.

I made the Blueberry-Lavender Jam (with last year's sad looking blueberries and some organic lavender) and it blew our minds. Next it will be the Apricot-Lavender. This is definitely the best tasting jam I have ever had.

This product should revolutionize how people make jam. I was an old school cook and believed that we needed all that sugar to preserve the product and achieve gel. Boy, was I wrong! I will never look back and am now in search of someone I can offload my 'regular pectin' to as well as the huge bag of sugar I bought. I won't be using very much for my yearly jam making.

This product allows us to experiment and use different sweeteners, which was NEVER possible the old way. And it is also good value for money as you can keep the calcium water for months and make more than one batch per package depending on size and type.

You have really made my day/week/month/year!

Thanks for a GREAT product -- and I love the recipes and blog!!

Yours truly,

Judi Gibbs
Vancouver, BC, Canada
May 15, 2014

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